The students of Ashok Vatika Public School under the aegis of 11 PB Battalion NCC under the efficient commandership of CO.Karnail Singh and in the able supervision of Mr. Vipul Malhotra, the Vice-Principal and Mr.Kunal Sahdev, the CTO, enacted a nukkad play with the theme of discouraging use of Plastics to stall further deterioration of environment. The students also prepared eye-catching posters and meaningful slogans to evoke the essence of the intended motive. The cadets through their thoughtful words inspired the other students not to be harsh towards the mother earth and its atmosphere. The need to curb a stern vigilance over the nefarious human practices ,such as, using plastic, was specifically highlighted . #ncc #saynotoplastic #ncccadet # #admissionopen2023_2024 #bestschoolinamritsar #kidsactivities #avps #CBSESchool #ashokvatikapublicschool #knowledge #vatikan