On the special festival of Raksha Bandhan, the students of Ashok Vatika Public School held a special assembly dedicated to the festival. Raksha Bandhan is our most loved festival that celebrates the bond of love and protection between siblings. The festival is celebrated on the full moon day of the Shravan month in the Indian calendar.The students of 2nd class presented a dance highlighting the love between brother and sister. They were also told about the significance of the festival. They recited several poems praising the sacred relation of brother sister.On this occasion, various activities like Rakhi making and plate decoration, drawing and painting competitions were organised where students displayed their creativity.The teachers and the principal, Mrs. Anchal Mahajan, told the students about the importance of celebrating our festivals and assigning value to our traditions and culture. #rakshabandhan #happyrakshabandhan #rakhi #rakhifestival #rakhicrafts
The foundation of Ashok Vatika Public School at G.T. Road, Amritsar was laid by Late Shri Ashok Mahajan in the year 1995, who was a renounced business icon and philanthropist of his time. His coveted wish was to set up a unique educational institution for the uplifting of the masses of that area by giving them quality education to enable them to develop their talents and personality to shine as useful members of the society.
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