A two days workshop was organised in Ashok Vatika Public School for the students. The resource person of the occasion was Mr. Vikramjit Singh Rooprai, a famous author, educator and well renowned historian. He was warmly welcomed by the principal, Mrs. Anchal Mahajan. He had a number of things to share with the students, beginning from his life to the peak of his career. On the first day of the session, he addressed the students of grade 7 to 10 , on the second day of the workshop,he addressed the students of grade 11 and 12. Through his speech, he shared a number of different ways to solve the problems and motivated the students to remain curious to achieve their goals in life. The queries and doubts of the students were also taken up and resolved with the right and experienced guidance. At the end of the workshop, the principal madam thanked the resource person for guiding the students well. #studentsworkshop #knowledge #powerofpositivity #powerofknowledge #studentslife #studentscareer #cbseschools #bestschoolinamritsar #ashokvatikapublicschoo
The foundation of Ashok Vatika Public School at G.T. Road, Amritsar was laid by Late Shri Ashok Mahajan in the year 1995, who was a renounced business icon and philanthropist of his time. His coveted wish was to set up a unique educational institution for the uplifting of the masses of that area by giving them quality education to enable them to develop their talents and personality to shine as useful members of the society.
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